Be Safe Be Aware Be as good as your Dog thinks you are!
off leash dog park established in 1992

A 501C (3) California Corporation
Redondo Beach, California USA
Be Safe Be Aware Be as good as your Dog thinks you are!
A 501C (3) California Corporation
Redondo Beach, California USA
The Redondo Beach Dog Park is a fenced three-acre dog run with separate areas for both large and small dogs. The Park is situated at the northern end of Dominguez Park which is located on the southeast corner of Flagler and 190th Street in Redondo Beach, California. The Park is open from dawn until dusk every day except Wednesdays when it is closed until noon for maintenance and upkeep.
The Park has benches and drinking fountains for both dogs and their humans! There are also scoopers and waste barrels for clean up of pet waste.
The Park is maintained and operated through a partnership with the City of Redondo Beach and the “Friends of the Redondo Beach Dog Park”. The “Friends of the Redondo Beach Dog Park” (“Friends”) is dedicated to preserving and expanding safe, responsible off-leash access for dogs.
The “Friends” is a non-profit 501C (3) California Corporation that is funded solely by the generous donations of its patrons, volunteers and the community. All members of the Board of Directors are volunteers and are not compensated in any way.
Since 1992, literally thousands of dogs and their owners, have visited and enjoyed the Park. Our mission is to sponsor and organize Park activities, raise funds for maintenance and advocate responsible dog ownership. All this work is done by our volunteers in partnership with the City of Redondo Beach, Departments of Public Works Department and Parks and Recreation.
There are no restrooms within the Dog Park. The nearest restrooms are located at the Southwest area of Dominguez Park adjacent to the baseball field.
We hope you enjoy and support the Redondo Beach Dog Park.
The Redondo Beach Dog Park is closed for maintenance every Wednesday from dawn to 12:00 pm. Volunteers in partnership with the Redondo Beach City Public Works, Parks Department address issues and projects on that day. If the gates are locked after that time, please contact the Redondo Beach Department of Public Works at (310) 318-0687 to have it unlocked.
Please be patient and do not vandalize the gates for entry.
The City of Redondo Beach has allocated funding to the Dog Park for improvements of the Park. Below are some of the planned improvements. Be aware that these improvement will be be initiated incrementally as to minimize any disruption with access or the use of the Park. We are open to any suggestions for improvements. Please email us.
Be aware that the Friends and the City of Redondo Beach are limited in the addition of structures, irrigation and use of the Dog Park due to the agreements and restrictions with other private and municipal entities.
Improvements may cause some inconveniences but we will make every attempt to keep them to a minimum.
The Friends are researching viable shade considerations that conform to restrictions but provide shade.
The Friends are anticipating the replacement of the watering stations to improve access and drainage. We will update you as we become aware of any changes.
We love our doggie patrons
Mail: 2615 190th Street No. 210 Redondo Beach, CA 90277 USA
The Dog Park is open every day from dawn to dusk.
The Dog Park is closed on Wednesday from Dawn until 1200 hours for maintenance
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve conditions. Your generous donation will fund our mission.
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The Friends of the Redondo Beach Dog Park (Friends) does not sell, lend or share any personal information, emails or questions submitted to us with advertisers, contributors, Federal, County, State, or City entities without proper legal justification or order.
This website is intended to inform the community of the Mission and activities of the Dog Park. It may provide information concerning canine activities and the care and health of dogs and their owners. This information is provided as a Community Service only. The Friends does not endorse or evaluate any person, product, location, service or company, nor any of their claims made on this site unless specifically noted.